Term 2 marked the start of everything Technology for STEM in the Junior School, we even 3D printed mask spacers during the Covid safety requirement weeks early in the term.

The Early years have been introduced to coding, bringing the Foos from Codespark to life and Pre-Primary have coded their way through the classic tale of The Gruffalo, organising steppingstone actions to get the mouse safely through the story. Year 4 students began their journey into Bloxels with some pixelation of popular characters. Some students took the time to look into their future from a technological perspective and designed self-portraits detailing the items that will potentially exist in their lifetime, as well as future civilisation on other Earth-like planets. And finally, after some convincing that a needle was officially a form of technology, we embarked on the 1000 hearts program, which aims to reach out to those who are lonely or feeling separated from loved ones during the pandemic. We cut out felt hearts ready to sew and send to the local aged care homes to make sure the residents know we are thinking about them. Phew – halfway through Term 2 and still so many things to come!