Mt Henry Peninsula Conservation Group

Mt Henry Peninsula, located between the Aquinas College boarding residences and Mt Henry Bridge, is a heritage-listed bushland classified as Bush Forever Site 227.

It is one of the last remaining remnants of natural undeveloped bushland in the Swan/Canning river basin. Predominantly Banksia woodland of high flora biodiversity, it has a number of plant species found outside of their usual location. It is also a sanctuary for native wildlife.

Mt Henry Peninsula hosts a nesting site for a pair of Ospreys that return annually to breed. The endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo (white-tailed) and Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo regularly feed and roost on the Peninsula, as do other bird species. The site is home for several colonies of Quendas (bandicoots) as well as for the common reptiles species found in the Swan Coastal Plain area.

Aquinas College is fortunate to have such a pristine example natural bushland within its grounds that is available as a teaching and learning resource for students as they progress through the College’s Service Learning Program.

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