At Aquinas we are focused on building a boy’s character through not only our Character Education Curriculum but also the various opportunities we can provide boys to grow their character, especially through service to others. At the start of this year we were gifted the opportunity to work with Special Olympics Australia, an international organisation which provides sporting opportunities for people with an intellectual disability or autism. In discussions with Tara Schwarze the State Manager for Special Olympics Western Australia, Aquinas agreed to support and hold three events this year and plan to continue our partnership into the future. Three events were decided up, swimming was held on 14th May, Basketball held last Sunday 28th May and a soccer tournament will be held on Saturday 17th June. These events are part of the pathway for athletes aiming to representing Western Australia and Australia in future Special Olympics events.

In partnering with the Special Olympics we have provided Aquinas students an authentic and very powerful opportunity to serve others by helping run the competitions as well as competing side by side with the Special Olympics athletes during the events. The following boys should be congratulated for giving up their time to volunteer at these events. Tara and the other organisers were very complimentry of the swimming and basketball volunteers and I know they will be just as complimentray and impressed with the boys assisting at the upcoming soccer tournament.




Darby Young

Ben Cunnold

Daniel Delic

Matthew Trainor

Ashton Bryant

Michael Dimasi

Caelyn Beard

Dominic Lomen

Trey Westlake

Blake Topham

Joel Gillett

James Hicks

James Harwood

Xave Dawson

Lynkon Kenna

Oscar Draper

William Rummer

Elijah Abreu

Tom Parker

Morgan Van Droffelaar

Harrison Agnihotri

Riley Thomas

Jai Gilliland

Dylan Menezes

Wil Fievez

Lucas Andrews

Diego Bouzada

Alfie Heron

Joshua Wijaya

Albie Cowan

Tytan Milne

Harvey Mills

Jonathan Beckett-Cooper

Connor Shelby

Riley Auret

Matthew McCarthy

Joe Prendiville

Aidan Zammit

Zachary Lyford

Oliver Firth

Jimmy Strange

Franklin Nguru

Orlando Widjaya

Xave Dawson

Liam Blackadder

Joshua Zappelli

Cruz Pemberton

Jack Stenslunde

Louie Cronin

Kai Burych

David Stopforth

Dylan Atkins-Walters

Hamish Watson

Charles Mavrick

Jacob Della Bona

Orlando Iacono

Lucas Barbato