The development of this mural was part of our application for the Senior School Leadership Project. Hung in what will be the new study hall it is a striking invitation to all to engage in learning, On Country. The placing of this mural is symbolic as it reminds us to always respect and consider the knowledge and perspectives of First Nations People. The Waugal, who created all the natural landscape, is the main subject of the mural.

Aboriginal Australians lived sustainable lives, before it was a “catchphrase”, they understood the science of using the cycle of the seasons to preserve natural resources and to sustain respectful relationships with the land and the animals that we are custodians of. The development of this mural is a tribute to the art of our ancestors, The Dreaming of this land and our appreciation of Aquinas College as a place that, acknowledges, respects, and protects our culture.

In the centre of the mural, you can see the College crest with boomerangs used to represent the crucifix. This shows both the strength and power that comes from connecting with your heritage and that harmony can be found between Christianity and Aboriginal Spirituality.

The red circles symbolise the four Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones and remind us to always strive to serve others and value the gift of learning.

Mary-Claire Howitt, RE Teacher