Service is a great way to connect with the community and get to know people.

The rush of endorphins after completing an hour or more of service is unrivalled, plus you are contributing to a good cause, whether it be through planting trees and digging up invasive species on the Mt. Henry Peninsula, raising awareness for MND at Marathons, collecting money for Cancer Research in the city or ridding our beautiful beaches of rubbish.

My name is Charlie Backhouse and over the past 2 years at Aquinas, I have completed over 60 hours of service and am aiming to reach 100 hours by the end of Year 9. Through all the service I’ve completed at this College, my favourite service activity is the Beach Clean-Up. I love getting up early in the morning on a Saturday, driving down to Leighton or Port Beach and feeling the sea breeze, hearing the seagulls squawking, knowing that I’m positively contributing to the longevity of some of Western Australia’s most beautiful beaches. Not only this but some of the things we find are just a bit strange. Last weekend, some of the boys stumbled across a keg of cider about 1/3 full, others found a bikini top and Mr Rich claims he stumbled across the best find of the day – a rubber banana. Some of the normal finds included beer bottles, plastic bags and utensils and the occasional cigarette bud and lighter. This is a photo of the boys once we had completed our service hours:

A few students in the Middle School failed to complete a minimum of 10 hours last year. Boys, If you don’t know where to sign up for service, go to level 1 of Mt. Sion and I’m sure there will be plenty of open spots for you.

Charlie Backhouse, Yr 9