I am currently studying on the uniPATH – LOGOS pathway which is run at Notre Dame University Australia (UNDA). From Monday to Friday I come to Aquinas and study Maths Methods, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Physical Education Studies ATAR. However, on Friday I study at UNDA, completing a first-year university unit in Philosophy. My thoughts prior to starting the philosophy course were thinking of how good an opportunity this course is, and that I didn’t want to miss out on it. Initially, I was more focused on getting an idea of how university life really is, for example, the style of learning. Each week we arrive at Notre dame for a 9:30am start. We start with a lecture, going through PowerPoint slides, on different topics for the first hour. After a short break, we would go into a Socratic dialogue, where we would split, work in groups and share different points of view about the learnings.

After getting used to LOGOS, my preconceptions of it changed and I started finding some large interest in the different topics, mainly ‘What is Truth’. This lesson focused on the three theories of truth, different types of truths, different methods of reasoning and types of propositions or statements. After being a part of uniPATH-LOGOS, I believe it is a really good way for students to get early insight into university life. Not only the way that assessments are conducted, but also how to manage time to fit in the vodcasts from our teachers. It encourages students to better plan their timetable of where and when they can do work.

Another aspect of LOGOS that I really liked was how much deeper the thinking was. For me, I think it would have been a waste not to do the program, as what we have learnt has been very interesting, and different to what we learn at school. It was also a really fun experience to hang out with your friends in Fremantle over lunch before we got to doing the vodcasts for our Aquinas College ATAR courses.

Ollie Radtotic, Year 11 Durack East