Receiving the Prendiville Scholarship made a significant difference for my parents, allowing them to not have to worry about how they were going to pay for my school fees, making the process much easier and less stressful for them. The major thing that stands out to me about my time at Aquinas is that nothing beats hard work and that in order to reach the lofty goals I’d set for myself a lot of hard work and dedication would be required – I will carry this lesson with me throughout the rest of my life.
Corey Sellars (’19)

  • 2018 – 2019
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy University of Notre Dame (second-year student)

Corey came to Aquinas from the country town of Katanning as a boarder in 2018 after receiving the Prendiville Scholarship. With a huge amount of personal motivation, Corey established some ‘lofty’ goals from the start and then set about achieving them – with outstanding results: three ATAR subject awards in year 11, another three in Year 12, as well as academic merit awards along the way, culminating in receiving the Saint Thomas Aquinas Award at the completion of Year 12. In the sporting arena, Corey represented the College in 1st XV111 Football, 2nds Basketball and 2nds Athletics.