On Friday the 18th of June, Aquinas hosted the Year 11 Social. This highly anticipated event is one that did not disappoint. The boys embraced the opportunity to dress up in their suits, as well as invite a guest to a social for the first time.

As we walked into the hall on a red carpet, it became evident very quickly that it was going to be an enjoyable night, with happy faces all around and an excited crowd dancing to the music. The evening provided a great balance between showing off your moves on the dance floor, having conversations with mates, and taking great photos in the photo booth with all the different props. It was great to see various Tutor Groups taking photos together to remember the night. Personally, my favourite part of the night was dancing with my mates and our dates to some of our favourite songs. (Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! By ABBA is one that really got the crowd excited.) The catered food on the evening was suited perfectly for the occasion and the slushie machine was a great addition as it provided a much-needed contrast from the heat and sweat that was brewing on the dance floor.

The social definitely met my high expectations and has set the bar high for the Year 12 Ball next year. It received great feedback from many of the boys in the cohort, saying that it was one of the best socials that they have attended this year. With every great event, there are always people behind the scenes who put in the extra effort to make sure that the night is enjoyed by all. A big thank you to all who were involved in the organisation of the event, in particular, Mrs Woodhouse who was the backbone of the evening; it would have been nowhere near as good without her. The Year 11 Social was a highlight on the school calendar and is certainly a night that I will remember in the years to come.

Ashton Teixeira, Yr 11